Jan 8, 2012

Tunisia, No Really

We took an end of the year family holiday trip to Tunisia.  Many people responded to this by : why, where, what?  Tunisia is a moderate Islamic country of 11 million in Northern Africa that has a long Mediterranean Coast and the beautiful Sahara Desert in the south.  Algeria is to the west and Libya to the east.  Tunisians are proud of the fact that they lead the "Arabic Spring" in a non-violent over throw of the governing dictatorship in early 2011.  They have just recently seated a Constitutional Congress after a free democratic election.  The people are friendly and the country is obviously photographically rich.  As always, these shots are  just a reflection of what my camera saw and not intended as a tour of the country.  Comments are appreciated.


  1. agh!!!!! these are so beautiful and I'm so excited to see them!! favorite? little olive picker Sarra and the dunes+sky pics
