I was driving near the golf course on Jekyll when a cart suddenly shot across the street in front of me. Since the speed limit was only 25, I was able to slam on the brakes and easily avoid hitting the golfers. I looked into the cart to see two 80+ year old lady golfers (obviously female, lost all balls) with screwed up, angry faces pissed off that I was on the public road and almost hit them. The shotgun rider then shot me the bird. Maybe this finger means something different in Ga. Here is the Ga. bird(s).
My retirement over the past 3 years has allowed me to pursue a hobby that I've had interest in most of my adult life. This web log basically represents a means of sharing my photographic images with my family and friends.
Mar 31, 2013
Mar 30, 2013
Armadillo by Morning
My daughter visited our Georgia home recently and happened to mention that she had never seen an armadillo. The next day we took a trip to Cumberland Island National Seashore. That's right.....an armadillo walked right in front of us. Who knew there were even armadillos in GA. I have had this rodeo song stuck in my head since. But check it out on U-Boob. The original version by Terry Stafford might be the second best rodeo song ever. I haven't posted much recently but in the next few days I will try to show our winter in Ga.
winter in Ga.
winter in Ga.
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