Sep 25, 2012

Wing Walker Wife

I bet my wife that she would not stand on the wings of that antique biplane.  She agreed to do it if I would clean up the kitchen for a month.  Here she is doing a wing walker act at 150mph stuck to the plane with abc bubblegum on her tennis shoes.  She must hate to do dishes.

Sep 21, 2012

Try Scissors...

The guy wanted to cut the ribbon between the two he flew his airplane upside down and used the tail.  I would have offered scissors, but he seemed to know what he was doing.  As did the other pilots in this small air show at New River Valley Airport last month.  I photographed with a 70-200mm zoom and shot at a shutter speed around 1000.  The clouds were beautiful as a front was blowing through.

Sep 6, 2012

Chairman of the Board

I always wanted to be the Chairman of the Board when I was younger.  Now I have resigned myself to be chair man of the bored.